Saturday, April 10, 2010

Legion the Movie

So I wanted to review this movie, before its release on DVD May 11, 2010. I'm not exactly a person who gets really excited about movies but because I was working my book, which was about angels, I decided to look into Legion the movie. I walked into the theater with high hopes which morphed into criticizing cries minutes after the movie begun!

The movie is about the apocalypse brought down by a Christian God, because supposedly he now hates everyone and is over everybody's crap. So he sends down a bunch of angels to go kill everyone... but wait... Holy crap, there's a baby messiah!!! Not for nothing... It was pretty terrible.

First of all.... The title of movie is misleading. In biblical terms, "Legion", is a multi-body demon that possesses people. (Nice concept huh? Maybe I'm going to use him in my series) Legion is not... an army of angels. And would God really destroy the world like this? I thought floods, and fire... crap like that was more his style... But wuteve...

So as I climbed over the lil hump of God destroying the world in such an uncreative way and time consuming way. The angels... began possessing people, going after the unborn messiah. I wouldn't have a problem with this except for the fact that the angels were just so stank! I didn't know doing God's work entailed cursing people out! Seriously they looked and behaved more like demons. That Granny was so dang rude. It made no sense for angels to have human flesh shredding teeth, when they're the cute embodiments of light and purity. Wtf?! Then by the end of the movie... we see angels in their pure form... and they look normal. So what was with the gross Icecream men and kids? Hmph.

If it wasn't clear at all... Not much mythology was incorporated. The writers never even picked up a bible. They made the Christian God, look like a confused teenager, instead of the Omnipotent master of the universe. The angels were suppose to "Give God what he needed, instead of what he wants" Um excuse me, who created the angels? The angels aren't even suppose to have free will really. And also God... kinda just gets what he wants and needs by himself. -_- He is after all... OMIPOTENT.

The characters were all actually pretty damn lame. One of the main character's name is "Jeep"...
Classy... I don't get what was wrong with his parents. But they were all stereotypes that never really experience any true growth. Boring and flat... Their dialogue was crappy.
My fave line:
Tyrese : "When I was a shorty...."

Thanks... because Tyrese you know nobody says that. >_<
If you weren't in Lady Gaga's and Beyonce's video... I'd finish you Tyrese.

The graphics were average and very far and few between. We mostly see a bunch of shooting. Legion's plot holes, the complete agility of a pregnant smoking woman, unexplained occurrences, and cheesy lines made this movie mildly enjoyable.


La'Von Gittens
NoV'al Publishing

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Visual Novel

∀ Visual Novel. Do you know what one is? Hmmmm! O₭ay, they're a little hard to explain. It's a basically a book, on your computer that you can read, the text is accompanied by 2D pictures that ₢hange every so often. Whats great about a visual novel is that like, in ₢ertain points in the storyline you as the player get ₢hoices as to where the plot is headed. §o it's kinda like a book and a video game had a baby in Japan!
Here's an Σxample of one on youtube, but you have to download them to play.

〒hey're fairly new in Japan and they're starting to get popular, so I figured I could do one geared towards my style a₪d bring it to the U.S. What do you 〒hink? Something you could get into. I've bee₪ having some problems in finding a programmer though.... *sigh* Oh well... it took 3 women 6 years to give birth to Jos§ Whedon so I'm sure I can find §omeo₪e to help me with one Visual Novel. ^_^

Apocalyptic Now. 2012!!!!

"The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep."

ェ ÐΦ₪〒 ŠLモ∈Þ Î ₩∀ェ〒... And I'm tired as HモLL.
But I guess it's okay. We got them promises right R Frizzle? Apparently it takes 6-8 weeks to get my audio book on Îtunes!!! That's too long! -_-! On the bright side though, my artist for my graphic novel Rachel is doing a KICK ∀Š§ job on her work! Wanna see some previews?

Can you guess who this is?

Pretty great huh? My vision of HΣll and trust me I'm going to make it extЯa stan₭. ßloody pyramids, human sa©rifices, Egyptian Gods and Aztec Tzitzimime, everyone is pissed and everyone is in pain in my サell and I do enjoy it! ßloodshed and horror, thats just the kinda of gentleman I am!


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The End is Never Near....

*¤★☆Lα’VØ₪’§ BレΦ G 001★☆¤*:
〒hankfully and finally, this month I am happy to release my debut novel, " Divine Apocalypse: The Beginning of the End " , which you can Gモ〒 on my website, for only 8.99, college students get ∀  discount so use your college e₥ail. Also on Amazon

Check the self prom◯tion, because I worked ridiculously hard to come up with some things I know ya’ll would like. Stressed, with so much to do! But... I’m in Long Island...not the delicious drink... the place. Not that I have anything against Long Island...except for the boringness... And the fact that if you don’t have a car, the only place you’re driving is yourself insane ₢ÜŽ  Cabin Fever, is serious thing... -_-... So I guess yeah, I’ll take that back. Long Island has issues..... (Side note: The local Chinese food store around here only takes cash so I had to walk 20 mins back and forth to the ∀ TM for some dang Š₩eet &§our Chicken and Pork fried rice...Isn’t that stupid? It was good though. !★LªFF¡N☆[◯u†]★Lu₫☆! ) But I’m focusing on the positives! 〒his month or so I hope to be putting together and hopefully later releasing a graphic novel series branching off from my novel called: Divine Apocalypse: Distant Nirvana. Some more scary end of the world stuff. For that I’m working on a blend of Σ gyptian and ∀ztec creeds, which is fun, slightly gory and exciting. I’m not morbid.... I just find this stuff hilarious. ^_^

Sunday, December 6, 2009

My first commercial!

It was fun but also challenging writing and directing this commercial. I've always been a big fan of parodies, can you recognize which one this is? Hope you like it!

Geico Parody

Sunday, November 22, 2009

About the Graphic Novel!

Divine Apocalypse: Distant Nirvana, is the first graphic novel in a series of 12 I plan to write as an extension of my novel Divine Apocalypse: The Beginning of the End and my visual novel Divine Apocalypse: Rise of the Nephilim and the Missing Days, both to be released in January.
When the New Year breaks a pact formed between Heaven and Hell, the earth becomes an unbiased zone, four angels born as men are awakened in down town Manhattan. Neil, Aurora, Ezekiel and Amanda create the Descended Radiance, the fist of God, to battle the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse along with other hell raising demons both real and metaphoric in this thrilling and imaginative fantasy based novel. New to a life of fantastic creatures and mystifying strangers, can the four cope when the fate of the entire world is literally on the line? If you want to find out, then you should get look out for Divine Apocalypse: The Beginning of the End, the novel.
My series focuses on Armageddon through various religious lenses, creeds and myths. To prove everything is connected, each book I focus on two different creeds and bridge them together. The novel is based on Jewish/Christian beliefs and the visual novel is influenced by the Book of Enoch and Greek myths, but all works include the same characters and general storylines. Common themes include, the dangers of secrets, overcoming personal hardships, unity of the human race and the unknown but real connection between, science, religion, and faith. The graphic novel series in particular concentrates on the themes that death is only a beginning and that there will never be a peace in the human race and are the cause of our own undoing.
I chose to centralize these themes because the graphic novel is inspired by Egyptian and Aztec/Mayan influences. Hieroglyphics were basically the first graphic novels so I thought it was only right to pay homage. In my novel Divine Apocalypse: The Beginning of the End, a character, Aurora, has a vision of the end of the world. She and three other angels discover their powers and based on Aurora’s vision, embark on an earth saving adventure. The first few chapters are available. ,
The graphic novel takes place in a post-apocalyptic future, year 2012, an alternate reality, if the angels fail at their mission. There will be 12 books and based on Ra’s 12 hour journey through the Underworld.
Manhattan is now a ransacked city, broken down and covered in ash. Soot rains down from the sky as it is covered in a thick constant smoke, concealing the works of hell from the eyes of heaven. The city is a demon free killing spree containing commonly Tzitzimime which are apocalyptic Aztec star demons, and riddling Sphinxes, which are evil winged women demons who wear long and elegant lion coats and claws.
The series begins with Aurora alive and trapped in a smoking pyramid, regretting that she ignored her visions 5 years ago and could have prevented all of this. The story quickly changes gears to Rhion Galloway an ex FBI agent shooting and killing a Tzitzimime. He is partnered with his lighthearted ditzy and super powered friend, Amanda and a comic worshiping nerd Cody.
Traveling in the tour van Mandjet, thats disguised in magical amulets, the three come across an old church that seemed to be untouched by the surrounding apocalypse. Breaking inside they notice a grave that is surrounded by the only live plants they’ve seen in months. Searching through this church they discover information about Amanda, identifying her as a Sacred Angel and member of the Descended Radiance, the order that Aurora’s vision was supposed to help form. The ended world now has five great wonders influenced by the Aztec/Mayan Suns. These five wonders are huge pyramids ran by evil Egyptian Gods/demons. Of the few humans left on the earth, none are free as they are enslaved, tortured, bred and trafficked into these pyramids. Cody then urges the group to embark on finding the other angels, forming the order, and saving what’s left of the world.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

New Sketches Came in!

Lookie here! It's one of my villains! Isn't he scary? I think the artist did a great job!