Thursday, March 25, 2010

Apocalyptic Now. 2012!!!!

"The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep."

ェ ÐΦ₪〒 ŠLモ∈Þ Î ₩∀ェ〒... And I'm tired as HモLL.
But I guess it's okay. We got them promises right R Frizzle? Apparently it takes 6-8 weeks to get my audio book on Îtunes!!! That's too long! -_-! On the bright side though, my artist for my graphic novel Rachel is doing a KICK ∀Š§ job on her work! Wanna see some previews?

Can you guess who this is?

Pretty great huh? My vision of HΣll and trust me I'm going to make it extЯa stan₭. ßloody pyramids, human sa©rifices, Egyptian Gods and Aztec Tzitzimime, everyone is pissed and everyone is in pain in my サell and I do enjoy it! ßloodshed and horror, thats just the kinda of gentleman I am!


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