Thursday, March 25, 2010

Visual Novel

∀ Visual Novel. Do you know what one is? Hmmmm! O₭ay, they're a little hard to explain. It's a basically a book, on your computer that you can read, the text is accompanied by 2D pictures that ₢hange every so often. Whats great about a visual novel is that like, in ₢ertain points in the storyline you as the player get ₢hoices as to where the plot is headed. §o it's kinda like a book and a video game had a baby in Japan!
Here's an Σxample of one on youtube, but you have to download them to play.

〒hey're fairly new in Japan and they're starting to get popular, so I figured I could do one geared towards my style a₪d bring it to the U.S. What do you 〒hink? Something you could get into. I've bee₪ having some problems in finding a programmer though.... *sigh* Oh well... it took 3 women 6 years to give birth to Jos§ Whedon so I'm sure I can find §omeo₪e to help me with one Visual Novel. ^_^

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